Course Duration: 3/4 Years ( 8 Semesters)| Student Intake: 80

Course Details:

The BBA Degree Course will consist of six/Eignht  semesters divided into three Years. The first year (Semester I and II) choice based credit system examination will be held at the end of the each semester. The Second Year (Semester III and IV) and Third Year (Semester V and VI) choice based credit system examination will be held at the end of each semester.

The objective of the course is to holistically transform the students and grow them into assertive and positive leaders, equip them with the knowledge to enter into the corporate world and make them into good citizen of the country.

Since it is professional course, syllabus is dynamic and vibrant which enables the students with the theoretical knowledge as well as with practical exposure to the corporate world.

Other Details

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 3/4 Years


PO:1: To help students improve their language skills so they can instill writing and business correspondence skills, as well as to help them acquire the overall professional skills needed for a business administration graduate.

PO:2: To use your understanding of financial management and basic accounting principles to solve challenging accounting and management issues.

PO:3: To develop Self-employment of young entrepreneurs and to create corporate professionals.

PO:4: To create awareness of Law and Legislations related to healthcare and business and Practical orientation in the area of hospitals and healthcare.

PO:5: To develop wide spectrum of managerial skills along with competency building, qualities in specific areas of business studies.

PO:6: To have successful career in all Economics, Accounting, Finance and to pursue higher education and research.

PO:7: Problem solving through the application of appropriate theories, principles and data.


F.Y. B.B.A. (SEM I)

Course Code Course Name Course Outcome
101 Principles of Management

Students Will be able to:

  • Understand the conceptual knowledge about nature, complexity, functions of management etc.
  • Understand the principles of management given by different author's students can develop managerial skill.
  • Describe the importance of management of change, crises, TQM, stress management etc.
  • Apply Henry Fayol's principles in day to day working life.
102 Business Communication Skills


Students Will be able to:

  • Understand the role of communication in personal and business world.
  • Understand system and Communication and their utility.
  • Explain proficiency in how to write business letters and other communications required in Business.
  • Apply different communication skills in day to day life such as formal communication, informal communication etc.





Business Accounting

Students Will be able to:

  • Understand role and importance of monitory and financial transactions in business.
  • Describe right approach towards classification different transactions and their implications
  • Describe different statements and books of accounts such as journal, ledger, trial balance, final accounts etc.
  • Apply accounting standards and why it is applied in industries.
104 Business Economics (Micro)

Students Will be able to:

  • Understand importance of Business Economics.
  • Understand the different concepts of economics such as demand, supply, utility etc.
  • Explain economic analysis in the formulation of business policies.
  • Describe understanding regarding monopoly, perfect competition revenue etc.
  • Apply different decisions taken in relation to price demand and supply.
105 Business Mathematics

Students Will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of mathematics like computation interest, Profit etc.
  • Understand the concepts of Ratio Proportion, matrix and determinant, commission, brokerage and premium etc.
  • Explain interpret graphs, charts and equations which are going to be applied in Businesses.
  • Apply logical approach towards analytical approach data.


Business Demography

Students Will be able to:

  • Understand concept of the basics of business demography in modern economic set up.
  • Describe population and structure changes affecting quality of life and business.
  • Apply clarity of concept regarding social economic process and urbanization and its impact on society.

F.Y. B.B.A. (SEM II)

Course Code Course Name Course Outcome

Business Organization and System


Students will be able to:

  • Understand basics of Organizational Structure importance.
  • Understand role and functions of modern business.
  • Describe business institutions function in given economic set up.
  • Apply different concepts e.g. digital marketing, online trading and payment methods etc.
202 Principles of Marketing

Students will be able to:

  • Understand nature, scope and importance of marketing.
  • Understand basic concepts of marketing such as Marketing mix, PLC etc.
  • Describe basic and essential skills related to marketing.
  • Apply recent trends in marketing for ex. Green marketing, Digital marketing, Virtual marketing and Hybrid marketing.

Principles of Finance

Students will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of principles of finance and different sources of finance.
  • Describe analysis of books of accounts and statements.
  • Explain the importance of capital structure, Capitalization etc.
  • Apply various sources of finance and their role and utility in business.


Basics of Cost Accounting

Students will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of cost accounting and cost expenditure in business.
  • Describe how overheads influence the cost structure of cost.
  • Explain the importance of cost accounting standards and why it is applied in industries.
  • Apply different statements and books of accounts such as cost sheets, statement of cost, statement of profit etc.


Business Statistics

Students will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of statistics.
  • Describe statistic data through histogram, pie diagram, bar diagram etc.
  • Explain the importance of basic statistical techniques.
  • Apply how the different statistical concepts can be applied in different industries differently.
206 Fundamentals of Computer

Students will be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts of Computer and concept of information and their role in modern business.
  • Understand regarding cautions regarding security, safety and security while using net based service.
  • Describe how computers can be used in data process analysis in business.
  • Apply MS-Excel, Power Point etc.


Course Code Course Name Course Outcome
301 Principle of human resource management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand basic concept of Human resource management.
  • Describe cultivate right approach towards Human resource and their role in business.
  • Explain various key aspects of Job Analysis and human resource planning.
  • Apply the various trends in HRM.
302 Supply Chain Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand Supply chain management.
  • Describe the key concept and issue of logistics and inventory management.
  • Explain the importance of warehousing and its role in space management.
  • Apply information and communication technology in supply chain management.
303 Global Competencies & Personality Development

Students will be able to:

  • Understand various factor affecting personality development of an individual
  • Describe various dynamics of personality development.
  • Explain the importance of theories of personality development.
  • Apply appropriate behavior in social and professional circle and Personality skills in daily life.


Fundamentals of Rural Development

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the development issue related to rural society.
  • Describe the seasonal and permanent migration to urban areas.
  • Explain the importance employment opportunities for rural youth.
  • Apply Information and communication technology for rural development.

A 305

Consumer Behavior & Sales Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand consumer behavior in marketing.
  • Describe the relationship between consumer behavior and sales management.
  • Explain the importance of decision making aspects and its implantation considering consumer behavior in sales management.
  • Apply strategy to influence consumer behavior.


Retail Management + Business Exposure

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the store operation, merchandising and customer management.
  • Explain the importance of opportunities and challenges in retail industry.
  • Describe factors impacting store design and location selection.
  • Apply retail strategy, retail operations management, innovation in retail and the key issues impacting growth in retail firms.


Management Accounting

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the implications of various financial ratios in decision making
  • Understand Accounting concepts and its importance in business.
  • Explain importance of application and use of various tools of management accounting in the business.
  • Apply management accounting tools to develop decision making skill.


Banking & Finance + Business Exposure

Students will be able to:

  • Understand banking functions and its operations.
  • Understand functioning of regulatory Authorities in India.
  • Explain the importance of recent technology in banking Industry.
  • Apply E-banking, Mobile banking, ATM and debit card services.


Organizational Behavior

Students will be able to:

  • Understand major theories concept, models and frameworks in the field of organizational behavior.
  • Explain the importance organizational behavior at individual, group and organizational level.
  • Describe the approaches to line up individual, groups and managerial behavior in order to achieve organizational goals.
  • Apply leadership different styles of leadership and models of organizational behavior in specific organizational settings.


Legal Aspects in Human Resources + Business Exposure

Students will be able to:

  • Understand basic concept of wages and salary administration.
  • Explain the importance legal issue related to HR in an organization.
  • Describe rights of employee at work place.
  • Apply the applications of different legal aspects in HR.


F.Y. B.B.A. (SEM IV)

Course Code Course Name Course Outcome

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept and process of entrepreneurship.
  • Explain the importance of practiced Business plan from the point view of entrepreneur.
  • Describe role and contribution of entrepreneur and small business in growth and development of individual and the nation.
  • Apply their skills in learning Institutional Support to New Venture.


Production and Operations Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the key concept of production and operation management.
  • Explain the importance of various manufacturing methods and role in managing business.
  • Describe the different layout and safety consideration use for product management.
  • Apply various safety majors and ergonomics in industries.


Decision Making and Risk Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the role and scope of decision making and risk management in organization.
  • Explain best alternative in a decision with multiple objectives and uncertainty.
  • Describe the process of making a decision.
  • Apply rational models of decision making in an organization.


International Business Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand international trade models.
  • Describe impact of international business environment on foreign market operations.
  • Explain international investment and its risks associated.
  • Apply financial aspects in world economic, their need and functionality.

Advertising & Promotion Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understanding the different sales promotion techniques and importance of advertising.
  • Explain the importance of copy creation and media selection.
  • Describe the process of online advertising.
  • Apply Promotion management.

Digital Marketing + (Prescribed computer course or online course )

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the role and importance of digital marketing.
  • Explain importance of digital marketing impact the sale of an organization.
  • Describe the overall effect of digital marketing upon the sales of an organization.
  • Apply digital strategy to influence consumer behavior.


Business Taxation

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of taxation policies.
  • Describe and identify the taxable and non-taxable entities.
  • Explain the importance of taxable and non-taxable entities.
  • Apply various exemptions & deductions under Income tax act.

Financial Services + Computer Course (Prescribed course or online course or online course)

Students will be able to:

  • Understand detail financial services in India.
  • Describe working of Indian Financial system.
  • Explain importance of well acquainted regarding financial markets.
  • Apply various financial services provided by various financial institutions in India.

Human Resource Management Functions & Practices

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of employee compensation and other functions of HRM.
  • Explain the importance aspects in an organization and various forms of Workers participation in management.
  • Describe the methods of performance appraisal, training, executive development and employee compensation.
  • Apply HR practices adopted by the organization.

Employee Recruitment & Record management + Computer course (Prescribed course or online course)

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the techniques of manpower forecasting.
  • Explain right approach towards employee recruitment and record management.
  • Describe applications of employee record management in organization.
  • Apply employee acquisition and its importance in industry.

T.Y. B.B.A. (SEM V)

Course Code Course Name Course Outcome

Research Methodology

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the right approach of research Methodology and its role in Business.
  • Understand the basic framework of the identification of various sources of information for data collection.
  • Explain various Designs, Tools and techniques of research Study.
  • Apply conducting research work and write research paper and research project report.

Database Administration and Data Mining

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the database Management System.
  • Explain Data mining concepts.
  • Describe Cloud computing in business.
  • Apply Cloud computing and Data mining and mining in business.
503 Business Ethics

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of Business Ethics.
  • Describe theoretical tools to understand current ethical issues and their impacts on business.
  • Explain the role of Ethics in business, Government and Society.
  • Explain the Ethical scenario concerning to Environment and consumer protection.


Management of Corporate Social Responsibility

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept and process of CSR.
  • Understand the industrial contribution for CSR Policy.
  • Describe the context of CSR of present-day Management.
  • Explain the contribution of CSR for the development of Society.


Marketing Environment Analysis and Strategies

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the Marketing strategies and Environment Analysis adopting advanced tools.
  • Describe Role of Data Analytics in Business Analysis.
  • Explain Challenges of Business Data Analytics.
  • Apply strategies for sustaining the forces in Marketing Environment.


Legal Aspects in Marketing Management + Project & Viva

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the application of different legal aspects in Marketing Management.
  • Describe legal aspect of Marketing Management and law related to sales, home delivery, telesales and Direct Mail Sales to understand the gist of the case study and way of attempt or solution.
  • Explain rules and laws related to broadcasting ads via different forms and claims for misled adv campaign.
  • Apply issues and laws related to online marketing and Ts & Cs in CRM.


Analysis of Financial Statements

Students will be able to:

  • Understand conceptual framework of financial analysis and provide practical exposure to apply various tools of financial statements.
  • Describe various types of ratios for financial and investment decisions.
  • Explain importance of various types of rations financial and investment decisions.
  • Apply cash flow and Fund flow statements and their importance in financial analysis.



Legal Aspects of Finance & security Laws + Project & Viva

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the legal aspects of finance and security laws.
  • Explain the importance of Investor education and protection fund under SEBI regulations & Companies Act 2013, MOA, AOA etc.
  • Describe the legal provisions to obtain finance from various sources of finance.
  • Apply the various finance and securities related laws in India.


Cross cultural HR & Industrial Relations

Students will be able to:

  • Understand Cultural Variables in Multinational Enterprises.
  • Describe fundamental knowledge of Industrial Relations.
  • Explain basic business etiquette and dining etiquette that will help to work in different countries across the globe.
  • Apply relationship between Cross-Culture Management and Human Resource Management.


Cases in Human Resource Management + Project & Viva

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the application of theory into practice.
  • Describe recent happening in important concepts of Human Resource.
  • Explain steps in solving case studies.
  • Apply Job Analysis- Job Description, Job Specification, and Job Evaluation.


T.Y. B.B.A. (SEM VI)

Course Code Course Name Course Outcome

Essentials of E-Commerce

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the importance, role, and activities of E-Commerce.
  • Describe concept of E-Marketing and its tools in E-Commerce.
  • Explain concept of Cyber Space and Cyber Security in E-Commerce
  • Apply E-Money and E-Payment systems used in E-Commerce.

Management Information System

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic concept of Information Technology and Management Information Technology.
  • Describe the role of information technology and information systems in business.
  • Explain fundamental knowledge of Structured System Analysis and Design.
  • Apply contrast and compare how MIS support business processes.

Business Project Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand Intermediate knowledge & Insights in Project Management.
  • Describe concept based approach towards Management of Business Projects.
  • Explain relationship between the significance of Businesses Projects & their Management.
  • Apply Project management skills.

Management of innovations & Sustainability

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of Innovation and Sustainability in a practical sense.
  • Describe significance of organisational sustainable development and the economic implications of sustainable development.
  • Explain most common errors made when handling sustainable growth.
  • �Apply IT System and Their Impact on Innovations.
A605 International Brand Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand concept of developing brands.
  • Describe concept of brand equity.
  • Explain strategies in managing brand portfolios.
  • Apply Brand evaluation plans in the international scenario.
A606 Cases in marketing + Project

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the application of theory into practice.
  • Describe Product Mix with PLC.
  • Explain New Product Development.
  • Apply E-Marketing and Digital Marketing.
B605 Financial Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand various sources of finance of business.
  • Explain the capital structure of the company and its cost of capital
  • Describe the optimum capital mix and concept of overcapitalization and under capitalization.
  • Apply Calculated and mathematical skills.
B606 Cases in Finance + Project

Students will be able to:

  • Understand core areas of finance.
  • Describe the analysis and interpretation of financial statement with the help of techniques like Ratio analysis fund flow analysis and cash flow analysis.�
  • Explain the importance of Working capital management.
  • Apply practical application of finance.
C605 Global Human Resource Management

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the concepts, theoretical framework, and issues of HRM in Global Perspective.
  • Describe issues and practices about the major HRM functions within the context of the global environment.
  • Explain how companies manage their expatriates
  • Apply international approaches to dealing with people in organizations.
C606 Recent Trends & HR Accounting + Project

Students will be able to:

  • Understand the theoretical and practical fundamental knowledge of Recent Trends in HRM and HR Accounting.
  • Describe various Employee Engagement Strategies to enhance Employee Engagement.
  • Explain the different methods used to calculate the value of human Resources.
  • Apply methods of Human Resource Valuation.

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